Phytobiophysics Flower Formula FF6 Phacelia - 150 Pills
The Phytobiophysics FF6 Phacelia remedy may help with issues such as lack of self-esteem and confidence. When we are unsure of ourselves or lose confidence, the sinuses are the first body function to suffer. Crying and distress can cause the sinuses to congest.
This flower remedy supports you during times of distress and when feeling inferior and introverted. When one feels like shutting themselves away from the world, this flower remedy may provide the support their body needs. It can also help to prevent snoring and may aid sinus related allergies.
For support in choosing a flower formula, take a look at our helpful blog
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 pill 3 times daily.
Essences of Phacelia, Maritime Campion, White Valerian, Elder Flower and Borageh, Sucrose.