Pyohex Conditioner is for the treatment of bacterial (staphylococcal) skin infections in dogs.
This topical medicated conditioner contains chlorohexidine gluconate as the active constituent. It helps to remove dirt, scaly skin and grease whilst killing cutaneous micro-organisms that often cause dermatitis. You only require 1ml of conditioner for every kilogram of your dog's weight, making this product long-lasting.
Place a small amount (1ml for every kilogram of dog) of pyohex medicated conditioner into the palm of your hands. Gently massage into your dog's coat and skin. No need to rinse, leave on coat.
Will irritate the eyes and skin.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
When using the product wear rubber gloves.
Wash hands after use.
First aid if poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or poisons information centre.
Phone Australia 131 126.
If swallowed do not induce vomiting.
Give a glass of water.
If product in eyes, wash out immediately with water.
Disposal dispose of empty container by wrapping with paper and putting in garbage.